
healaman honey

Welcome to Healaman Honey!

Healaman Honey™ is 100% Pure Honey, just warmed enough to allow it to flow into our Honeystix straws, thus preserving the natural enzymes, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, free of pesticides or anything artificial. We have carefully harmonized it with the safest, purest oils on the planet. They are free from chemicals, pesticides, synthetics or other contaminents, making them 100% pure and very potent.

Healaman Honey Essential Honeystix are convenient to handle, open, transport and ingest. They are great for kids lunches, camping, backpacking, hiking, while exercising, at work or simply in your pocket for those on the go! They are great straight from the stix, or on oatmeal, toast, fresh fruit or in teas.

Healaman Honey™ is 100% Pure Raw Honey that is harmonized with pure therapeutic grade essential oils.

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